5 Reasons why Ben Affleck will make a stylish Batman
5 Reasons why Ben Affleck will make a stylish Batman

The internet was shaken to its core recently when Ben Affleck was announced as the new Batman, set to appear in the 2015 Man of Steel sequel opposite Henry Cavill's Superman.
The news revealed just how many closet comic book fans and secret superhero nerds were lurking on Twitter and Buzzfeed as debate raged over whether or not the star of Daredevil could be trusted with the Batmobile. After weighing up the pros and cons, we've realised that Affleck is actually the perfect choice for the next Bruce Wayne. Here's why, according to Style Pilot.
1. Ben Affleck always looks slick on the red carpet. Whether he's dressed in Gucci or D&G, the guy definitely knows how to wear a tux. While accepting numerous accolades during award season earlier this year for Argo, Affleck won approval for his tailoring choices - he showcased two great suits at the Oscars and BAFTAs, each with the contrasting satin and velvet lapels that are becoming his trademark.
2. He drives a brick red vintage Chevy Malibu SS. Classic car experience is critical for anyone to be trusted with Bruce Wayne's Lamborghini. The Batmobile may take some getting used to, but then again, the original Batman drove a red vintage convertible when he was on-duty - not far off Affleck's current wheels.
3. Charm with the ladies. Ben Affleck was linked to Hollywood A-listers like Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Lopez before marrying Alias star Jennifer Garner - ergo (or indeed, Argo) he must have what it takes to play a billionaire playboy.
4. He has superhero experience - and he's learned from it. The red Daredevil jumpsuit would be enough to put most men off leather for life, but Affleck bounced back and has been spotted wearing his trusty leather motorcycle jacket all over town. To the Batcycle!
5. Henry Cavill is excited about the casting - and so are plenty of other people, including Batman's Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Avengers genius Joss Whedon and (unsurprisingly) best mate Matt Damon. And that's surely reason enough to reserve judgement until 2015...
(Image: Rex Features)
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