By now, we all know that employers are stalking our social media accounts as soon as our CV hits their inbox.
Nobody wants to sit down for a life-changing interview with someone who’s seen our ‘Zante banter 2007!!!!!’ photo album – so we delete our tagged pics, change our names and hope that that’s that.
But it turns out employers aren’t the only people who are peeping into our private lives on the regs.
‘Tenant Assured' is a new app that will allow landlords to look up their prospective tenants and judge their social media accounts.
Even if your account is set to private, Tenant Assured will be able to comb through your Facebook, Twitter, Bebo and Linkedin with no trouble whatsoever.
Developers originally planned to use language processing software to see how much people used words like 'loan', 'poor' and even 'pregnant'.
Would-be landlords then get a report on their potential tenants' 'financial stress level', and their personalities as a whole.
Co-founder Steve Thornhill told The Washington Post: "If you're living a normal life then, frankly, you have nothing to worry about.
"People will give up their privacy to get something they want."
He also said he wanted to "take a deep dive into private social media profiles."
It doesn't launch until June 27th, when we'll all be rendered jobless and homeless for the sheer audacity of not being rich and happy. But at least we'll have Zante. They can never take that summer away from us.
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