You should absolutely never be this guy that’s suing his ex-girlfriend for ‘expenses’
Taking rejection well

A break-up after a long-term relationship is never an easy thing to deal with. There's a lot of emotions flying around: disappointment; rejection; jealousy - perhaps even a little relief - but most of us will retreat to lick our wounds, with our mates telling us it's no big loss, and urging us that we could really do a lot better.
But some people do not cope quite so well.
One Siberian man has decided to hit back in spectacular fashion, by suing his ex-girlfriend for costs accrued during their time together.
Nina Zgurskaya (pictured below) told Russian television that her two year relationship with the unnamed lawyer ended after a romantic seaside holiday to Crimea. She had expected him to ask for her hand in marriage, but no such proposal was forthcoming.
“We went to Fedosia, Crimea, for 12 days and agreed that it was a romantic trip where he will propose to me. But it didn’t happen. So I left,” she explained.

So far, so normal. But a few weeks later she was issued with court papers, with her ex-boyfriend claiming for 45,000 roubles - £466 - with a full list of receipts for the money he spent in flower shops, restaurants and cafes. He also demanded legal fees to be paid to him. He argues that the pair were never, in fact, boyfriend and girlfriend, but had a "working relationship" instead.
Krasnodar regional court in Siberia rejected his claim, but he has now lodged an appeal.
He told Russia's STS channel: “She can't prove that we were even in a relationship. I never said that I was giving her a present or a free ride. Is it immoral to go to court? Am I expected to give money to every woman on the street?”
You'd have thought that people would be able to deal with being given the cold shoulder in Siberia wouldn't you?
[via Telegraph]
(Image: Prima TV)
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