It’s estimated that one in ten people are dyslexic, which is really quite a lot. It’s surprising then that most people have no idea of what it’s actually like to be dyslexic or understand the frustrations that can often come with the condition.
Graphic designer Daniel Britton was diagnosed with dyslexia while in his final year as a student at London College of Communication. The experience inspired him to create the below font in an effort to recreate the emotional, and oft frustrating experiences that dyslexic people encounter.
The result, using a font based on Helvetica (only removing 40 per cent of the standard lines) can be seen below:

Speaking to i100, Britton said:
"What's out there at the moment, in most of the awareness posters, tries to recreate what it’s like with dyslexia - the problem is that with a non-dyslexic brain you can work out exactly what’s going on very, very quickly. You can look at it and decode it in two seconds flat, why is this a problem? It’s not doing dyslexia justice.
"The font is all about putting people in the shoes of a dyslexic, by trying to give them a sense of that frustration."
If you’d be interested in finding out more, the young designer has started a crowdfunding page for the project with the aim of creating an educational pack that could be used in schools to raise awareness around the condition.
Find out more about the project here.
[Via: i100]

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