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This is what the ideal male body looks like in 19 different countries
This is what the ideal male body looks like in 19 different countries
03 April 2017
Worried you're looking a bit flabby around the edges? Scared that women are only interested in washboard abs and pecs that could crush entire cans of coke with a single flex?
Well, we're about to hit you with an excellent truth bomb. It turns out, none of this really matters at all. Or at least it probably doesn't depending on the country that you live in.
Superdrug recently decided to find out what the ideal male body looked like around the globe and thus sent an image of a pretty normal looking guy to 19 different designers around the world with one brief: turn him into the perfect man.
Here's the original...
And here's what they sent back...
[Via: Medical Daily]
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