The Tamagotchi is back
Great news for fans of neglecting responsibilities and watching tiny creatures literally shit themselves to death!

Great news for fans of neglecting responsibilities and watching tiny creatures literally shit themselves to death: Tamagotchis are back!
Bandai, the Japanese toy manufacturer who created the gadget, have re-released the Tamagotchi, complete with all six characters you probably remember being obsessed with for 23 minutes in the late 1990s before you let them wither and die.
The only difference between the two generations is size, with the new Tamagotchis half the size of the original.
And plenty of Japanese fans have already shown off their new toys online.
Unfortunately, you can only get the new and improved Tamagotchi in Japan, where it’s retailing at about a tenner – but there are plenty of slightly pricier originals floating about on Amazon and eBay if you’re inexplicably willing to stump up the cash.
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