Since it was founded in 2007, Secret Cinema has grown from a quirky interactive cinema experience to an all out film extravaganza. One that transports you to far flung places that you didn’t even think could exist outside of the world of celluloid.
Thus far we’ve seen them take on everything from Bugsy Malone to Star Wars and this next one looks like it’ll be their most impressive yet, not to mention the first time they’re also going to be bursting out of London (location TBC).
Secret Cinema presents, Danny Boyle’s infamous horror classic 28 Days Later… This will be the first time that the company have taken on a horror film in their imitable style but if the short trailer above is anything to go by it’ll be terrifying. We’re not entirely sure how they’ll go about recreating London as a ghost town but we’re at least sure it’ll be heart poundingly brilliant.
The experience will be in London for 48 dates from 14th April to 29th May, and we can also expect other dates announced elsewhere in the UK in due course.
Tickets will start at £55.00 or £40.00 for concessions, pick one up here.

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