We were all for getting rid of 'meat slurry' burgers in school dinners. We nodded earnestly at proposals for banning cartoon-covered, sugar-filled cereals.
But Tesco banning sales of Ribena? What madness is this.
Word of the sugary prohibition comes from David Beardmore, Tesco's soft drinks buying manager, who told trade magazine The Grocer that many high-sugar products will be removed from the supermarket's shelves this September, as part of ongoing efforts to help tackle child obesity.
"This is part of our 10-point plan against obesity and we have decided that from September we will only sell no-added-sugar drinks in the kids’ juice category," Beardmore told The Grocer. "Most of the suppliers are supportive of it and understand what we are doing."
Which is laudable. Really it is. If the easy route to preventing kids getting tubby is making it harder for them to reach for sugar-filled drinks, then go ahead and ban them. And it's not like adults will be bereft of finding substances like Ribena and Capri-Sun, seeking them out in dodgy black market trades: it's only Tesco that's going to stop stocking them. You'll probably be able to find a sugar fix at your local news agent. And there are other sugar-filled soft drinks.
We're just glad that someone is thinking of the children. Which includes us.