This can't have been an ice thing to happen to a poor bird.
A swan in China recently suffered an unusual problem: its beak became frozen shut with a layer of ice.
It was spotted by a couple walking along the Peacock River in Korla, Xinjiang, during a spell of cold weather, when they noticed that the poor swan couldn't eat the food that was offered to her.
Luckily, the local Swan Guard - who care for the swan population of the river - were alerted and lured the animal into their warm "swan house" - a place used to treat sick or injured birds - where the ice was able to thaw.
Swan Guard Sheng Liang said, "I have been caring for swans for years and I admit that this is the first time I have ever come across anything like this. We think it must have happened when she fell asleep with a wet beak."
The swan was completely fine after her 'treatment'. "Once she could open her beak again, we gave her a special treat of fish before taking her back to the river," said Sheng. "It’s lucky that we were informed because in these temperatures, it’s very unlikely that the ice would have melted if she had stayed outside."
Nice swan, Sheng.
[via Neatorama]
(Images: Rex)

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