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Surprise new Marvel show revealed - and it brings back a key Avenger

Disney Plus is getting a new Marvel show...

Surprise new Marvel show revealed - and it brings back a key Avenger

Well, this is a surprise: it has been revealed that Marvel has ordered a new television series, with Vision as the main star. - Star Trek: Picard’s Terry Matalas is onboard as showrunner.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the show is set to see the return of Paul Bettany as Vision, a role that began way back in 2015 with Avengers: Age Of Ultron.

Bettany starred in subsequent Marvel movies and was last seen playing the superhero in the superb WandaVision - a limited series that kickstarted Disney Plus' foray into small-screen superhero shows. He also voiced the character in the Marvel What If... series.

The Vision TV show will be a spin-off of sorts from WandaVision and will come after another spin-off, Agatha All Along, that is set to stream on Disney Plus in September.

Surprise new Marvel show revealed - brings back key Avenger
Image Credit: Disney Plus

There has been something of a shake-up in Disney with how it treats Marvel going forward, with CEO Bob Iger streamlining just how many movies and shows released in a year that will be Marvel related.

Quoted by Variety, he explained that there would be no more than three movies and two shows a year going forward. Given that Vision is set to stream in 2026, we should see just one more show that year.

Vision isn't the only new Marvel show that's happening. Alongside a number of animated shows - Eyes of Wakanda and Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man - we are set to see the return of Daredevil in the near future and Ironheart is also coming to Disney Plus.

Perhaps the most intriguing upcoming Marvel show, though, won't be on Disney Plus at all. Noir, a Sony Spider-Man spin-off, is coming to Prime Video starring Nicolas Cage - he voiced the character when we saw him in the the animated Spider-Verse movies.