Propaganda Star Wars posters are your favourite kind of Star Wars posters
Propaganda Star Wars posters are your favourite kind of Star Wars posters

‘Loose Lips Sink Starships.’
Or so warned the faux propaganda posters pasted around the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens back in 2014, reminding any errant cast and crew to think twice before leaking spoilers, or face the threat of a vice-like death grip.
Well prepare to feel your own neck hair begin to tingle, as here comes another shipment of saga-savvy artwork destined to put the fear of the Sith into you.
US illustrator Russell Walks' motivational' artworks pays ode to the bold, breezy and colourful designs of Saul Bass, while also incorporating enough Star Wars iconography to sate the appetite of any die-hard fanboy. You can see his work for sale here.
Like it or not, you'll be choosing sides.
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