Hot, isn't it? Really, unpleasantly, horrendously hot. Dare we say it? Too hot to barbecue.
But good news, fresher days are on the way. And even better news! The Thermapen is a thing. A genuinely useful thing!
It comes with a meat heat scale. Simply push the tip of the pointy bit into your meat and find out the temperature, then consult your scale. It will tell you how well done your steak is - for a medium-rare steak the near-instant, digital display should show a temperature reading of 65˚C, whilst a steak would be well-done at 80˚C. Perhaps more importantly, though, it'll let you know whether your chicken is cooked or lethal. It even has a back light so you can cook at night.
So no more tearing into your meat and shining a torch on the damn thing to ensure it's just right. It retails at £57.60 and the Backlit Thermapen is £67.20. All are available from
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