"THIS SONG IS SO ME RIGHT NOW" is one status/Tweet update likely to result in a mass rolling of the eyes and a rapid fall in followers.
And yet sharing music is surely a far more purposeful use of social media than any narcissistic post about coffee art? Audio discoveries have failed to find an adequate home, floating listlessly on websites, forums and status updates - until now.
OneSong aims to be the new home for music sharing and discovery. Functioning an awful lot like Instagram, users create a profile and set about sharing the "soundtrack of their lives", posting single tracks that capture a particular moment. Followers can then access your shared song, amassing their own daily playlist by scrolling through the tracks posted by the members they follow, or by searching specific hashtags. And no, there are no filters.

"We figured that if each person is one song, together they become a playlist," writes the OneSong website. "So the OneSong app lets you listen to the sound of people’s lives, updated one song at a time. It’s the daily soundtrack of you and your social network."
In order to use OneSong, you'll need a Spotify Premium subscription (the app's current chosen music streaming service) and an iOS device. You can download the app for free here.
Just do us a favour and don't start listing every song with a bunch of inane hashtags? We don't care if you're #earlygyming, #winning or having a #TBT. Let's keep this about the music, okay?
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