There’s something really weird about Monica’s apartment in Friends and you never noticed
We've watched Friends for bloomin' ages. But we never noticed this...

We never noticed until today, but some eagle-eyed viewers have spotted something that doesn’t quite add up with Monica’s apartment.
If you’ve watched Friends as much as we have, you’ll be as surprised as us that we never picked up on it after all this time.
The kitchen window in the apartment has a changing view.

It was never the greatest view of all time – this is New York, after all – but it absolutely differs between episodes.
To clear it up, above is the difference between the first episode and the last. The building hasn’t moved, it’s the same from the pilot to the finale, but that view is very different.
Of course, it could all be down to the fact that it’s just a TV show and the set designers might have forgotten to change/leave a few things alone, but we don’t want to shatter the illusion that the show isn’t real.
Now how will we sleep at night, Friends?
(Via: Hello Giggles)