Have you ever had the misfortune of tasting the sweaty produce of your own brow? We've lost count of the pints of perspiration we must have swallowed on this week's bus commute. As such we were thrilled to discover a machine that allows us to reclaim our precious fluids.
This isn't the produce of a bored engineer's madcap scheming, but the brain child of UNICEF. The charity has teamed up with Stockholm-based creative agency Deportivo and youth football event Gothia Cup in an effort to draw attention to the lack of clean drinking water for children worldwide.
The device functions like a washing machine: sweaty clothes are deposited into a rotating drum, which extracts the sweet sweat and goes about filtering it back into drinkable water.
Would you be bold enough to sip on a glass of water reclaimed from your sweat-soaked gym kit? Or someone else's for that matter? We'll stick to the Lucozade.
(Via: Design Taxi)
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