Louis Theroux is coming to take down Donald Trump and save us all
We always knew he would be our hero

Not all heroes wear capes, as the saying goes.
Some of them wear glasses, comfortable cable-knit jumpers and shirts with useful pockets.
Yep that’s right, Louis Theroux is here to save us, like we’ve always secretly known he would. Jesus Theroux has risen from the ashes of uncomfortable weekends with swingers and rubbish gangsta rapping to take down Donald Trump.
Presumably then he’ll claim the presidency for his own, we will all worship him as our rightful ruler and everything will be alright with the world again.

Louis is making a three-part documentary series about President Trump which will air on BBC2.
And given he’s already tackled the Westboro Baptist Church, UFOs and neo-Nazis, he’ll probably find himself in a pretty familiar position when he delves into The Donald’s world.
What we’re all hoping, really, is that he finds out a bit more about those golden shower rumours. That and something, literally anything, that can get him impeached.
Because can you imagine it? Imagine if Donald Trump got impeached because of Louis Theroux. It would be glorious. It’s worth just sitting back and daydreaming about a world where that happens, just for a little bit.

Speaking the The Mirror about the documentary, Theroux said: “It feels like a whole cultural, almost sea change in how the world is part of the post-Brexit wave of populism.
“The story seems to change every day with Trump. There’s something new bubbling under. It’s hard to get your head around such a big subject.
“The challenge with Trump would be... something so abhorrent that walks on two legs and is a human being, you have to explore where his foibles come from.”
Louis Theroux, we are all counting on you. Get out there and do the job you were born to do.
Images: Rex Features, BBC