Latest star-filled trailer for Johnny Depp's Black Mass
Latest star-filled trailer for Johnny Depp's Black Mass

We don't mean to alarm you, but 2015 is passing at a cracking pace.
With the summer blockbusters all but exhausted, we're already approaching the business end of the year - that window of star-filled, hard-hitting, "Have you seen it yet?" Oscar contenders. Leading the charge? Black Mass.
The latest trailer sees more skull-cracking antics from Johnny Depp's unnerving Whitey Bulger - the crime lord and eventual CIA informer who ruled Boston with ruthless mix of intimidation, extortion and extreme violence.
Totting a cast including Joel Edgerton as his special agent handler John Connolly, Benedict Cumberbatch as his politician brother Bill Bulger, Kevin Bacon, Dakota Johnson and Corey Stoll, you're going to want to pencil 13 November in to your diary.
Because that's when it comes out. Obviously.
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