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22 December 2014
Got a pack of boysenberry-infused ales brewed by Trappist monks high in the mountains of Belgium taking pride of place in your fridge? Very nice but not quite doing it yourself is it?
Not that we’re suggesting you embark on a life of celibacy and shaving your head every day in pursuit of a top thirst quencher – unless that’s your thing. We are of course referring to this special decanter, offering you the chance to infuse whatever ingredients you desire into whatever drink.
Pour 550ml of whatever booze you want to transform, add your chosen ingredient (chili, fruit, herbs, sweets) into the infusing rod and then go to work. Hand-blown from lead-free crystal for optimum transparency, the playfully designed decanter from glassware artisans Sempli can be swung around a table top to help infuse your drink as you watch on.
Included with the decanter is a recipe book from Death & Co, and it needn't be booze. Soda, fruit juices and even salad dressings would benefit from this nifty device.
Though if you didn't want to try some Jelly Tots Gin you’d be a bare faced liar.