“If she saw our hijinks, his chances were over”
Alan from Manchester on a time he manned-up to help a friend

Find yourself dipping during the day? Then reach for Wing-Co., a new chocolate milk drink. To celebrate the launch we asked readers to share stories of a time they manned up and styled it out. This week, Alan from Manchester on a time he manned-up as a friend.
“She came from Greece, she had a thirst for knowledge. He came from Leeds, he had a thirst for golf. Oliver is my best friend and, last summer, we were on a golfing holiday in Florida. Katerina worked at the hotel and had no interest in us. Her large brown eyes would roll to the top of her head whenever any of us tried to engage her in small-talk. That said, I can see why she didn’t care for our chat about handicaps and bunkers.
“One day, though, Ollie made the mistake of falling asleep in the sun, and the others delighted in drawing silly shapes on his back with sun cream. And by ‘silly’, I mean ‘horrendous’. When Katerina walked over to return a novel Ollie had lent her, I knew if she saw our hijinks his chances were over. So I leapt over and rubbed in the cream. She stayed to chat with a now-awake Ollie, meaning I had to keep on rubbing – in a way that said, ‘Nothing to see here. We are just friends.’
“Ollie got his date that night, even staying in Florida for a while. To this day, I am still known as ‘The Masseur’.” “Oliver saw her reading a book by Milan Kundera and used his art history degree to bluff through
enough of a highbrow conversation to impress her, if not the chaps.
Have you got a similar story to tell? If so, enter our competition and you could win a a night out plus three mates, thanks to Wing-Co.
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