Hackers are spamming ISIS fighters with thousands of dick pics
Hackers are spamming ISIS fighters with thousands of dick pics

Oh dear.
Using ‘pornbot’ accounts that feature nothing but explicit images, wry keyboard warriors are sending tens of thousands of shlong snaps to ISIS fighters and sympathisers.
As well as causing offense to the smut-fearing fighters, the sheer magnitude of the Twitter notifications can also lead to the smart phone app becoming essentially unusable.
Many have attributed the plan to Anonymous, but it's not entirely clear who are responsible. It wouldn't be the first time that the famous cyber-hackers have lent their expertise to the counter-terrorism operation.
Last year, Anonymous declared an international trolling day against the militant group otherwise known as Daesh. Using the hashtag 'Daeshbags', they implored people to do everything they could to make the ISIS fighters online lives as miserable as possible.
"We ask you to show your support and help against ISIS by joining us and trolling them // do not think you have to be part of Anonymous, anyone can do this and does not require special skills."
"We ask you to take part of this on Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // Youtube //In the "Real World," the post on file-sharing website Ghostbin added.
Check out some of the response to the porn-based prankers plot below:
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