Now that the weather’s improved, you’ve probably been spending a bit of time outside drinking.
If you like gin, you’ve been drinking gin & tonic. Even if you don’t like gin, you’ve gone with it just because it feels like summer, and that’s kind of the done thing.
Sadly, you’ve probably had to pay for those drinks, because that’s how capitalism (goddamit) works, but wouldn’t it be great if you’d got them for free? You’d be a bit richer, for starters, and you wouldn’t have had to turn down that last one so as to not get caught up in another wallet-crippling four-person round.
Well, that dream could become a reality, with the news that there’s a job out there for someone who wants to drink G&Ts without paying a penny – in fact, they’ll pay you.
Read more: Hayfever sufferers – you need to be getting on the gin and tonics this summer
Sipsmith, the London-based gin brand, is hiring for a round of ‘ginternships’, with 52 gin-loving recipients getting the chance to build relationships with the gin industry in their city and beyond.
Those who want to apply need to be ‘ginthusiastic’, according to the company, because one gin pun wasn’t enough, and need to know Sipsmiths’ range of gins inside out.
There is a catch, however, because there’s always a catch.
It’s only open to students, from 21 British university cities including Oxford, Cambridge and London, however many of those who have taken part have gone on to land full-time jobs with the company.
If you’re still reading, you’ll probably want to know what the gig entails.
Among the tasks required are “leading great gin-focused activities”, “Hosting ginspired [look, another pun!] experiences with key accounts” and recruiting future student ambassadors.
Those who want to apply need to send a CV as well as a link to their Instagram account and a selection of five (presumably gin-focused) photos to demonstrate they have what’s required.
Full details can be found gin, sorry, in here.
(Images: Getty)
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