It’s late, you’re alone and you’ve got the urge. In the olden days, you’d have to unburden your shame on your own, but thanks to the Church’s latest app, your release is now a few swipes away.
Formally known as ‘The Catholic App’, but to be honest, far better known as ‘Sindr’, the app was developed by Musemantik and is essentially a GPS-enabled “confession finder”, allowing users to locate their nearest mass, confession and parishes from their smartphones.

In a promo vid featuring a girl dawdling around a park and a town centre, the Catholic App promises to "deliver diocese news seamlessly", "provide weekly inspirations" and "helps you find the nearest opportunity for confession" and "lead you to your goal.”
Archbishop Leo Cushley of St Andrew an Edinburgh officially launched the app in front of St Peter’s Basilica’s in Rome on Tuesday, meaning it’s pretty much as good as got the Pope’s blessing.
“The idea was really inspired by the Holy Father himself, who said to be imaginative about what do for the Holy Year of Mercy” Archbishop Cushley told Vatican Radio. “I hope everyone’s going to use it.”
Will Sindr see priests posing next to tigers in their papal profile pics? Will there be unsolicited crucifix pics? Will users go to one mass and then never go again? Get on it and find out.
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