Do you know what insanity is? It's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the results to be different. At least, that's the definition according to the terrifyingly intense leader of the gang who've kidnapped you in Far Cry 3.
Makers Ubisioft have clearly taken note of this particular advice. No Far Cry game is alike. The last was set in the wilds of Africa. This just announced title is set on a mysterious tropical island. Your boat has been destroyed, your girlfriend is missing and you wake up in it's dense jungle. That's when your inner action hero kicks in.
Making your way out of the jungle you spy the gang's base. And from your high vantage point you start taking pictures and gathering the information you need to make an attack. Only problem is, you're quickly discovered and (without even asking) taken to their leader.
This is when you hear the insanity speech. Tied up by the wrists and the ankles you're told that he's already tried to kill you once. And with that he kicks you over the side of a sinkhole. You fall, you hit the water and you sink to the bottom where you see the lifeless bodies of other people who've suffered your fate. Except, he's tried to kill you once and failed. It would be insanity to think his second attempt would have a different outcome.
Escaping from the ropes that hold you, you swim upwards, gulping in air as you break the surface. This time you mean business. Picking up a gun you make your way into their base. Sneaking up behind one guard you steal his knife and cut his throat before throwing it between the eyes of another in one swift movement.
Making your way into cover you survey the scene. At the far end of the complex is a chopper ready to take off. There's only one thing for it - you're going to have to shoot your way there. A few well placed head shots later and you're holding a pistol to the pilot's head and demanding he take off. But you're not safe yet. As you take to the air you come under attack again. It's too much - a rocket launcher sends the helicopter plummeting towards the ground.
As you crawl out of the burning wreckage towards your gun a familiar face appears, walking towards you and kicking your lost weapon away. "Do you know what insanity is?" he asks.
When he tries to kill you again, we get the feeling he'll find out.
Far Cry 3 is released in 2012 on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360
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