England, Wales And Scotland Don't Get Their Own Apple Emoji Flags
England, Wales And Scotland Don't Get Their Own Apple Emoji Flags

Antarctica's got one (population 1,000 to 5,000).

Vatican City is present and correct (451 permanent residents).

Jersey can be seen fluttering away with patriotic pride (population 99,500).

But for the emoji-using citizens of Wales (3 million), Scotland (5.3 million) and England (53 million), Apple hasn't provided a miniature text-based flag in the new iOS 9.0.1 update.

So what gives? Why hasn't iOS 9 introduced a set of flags for each of the Great British nations?
Apparently, it's because Unicode (the officiator of the standard code for emoji creation) is yet to determine its policy on sub-regions and countries-within-countries. So while Vatican City (a city state) gets a look in, the flags of England, Wales and Scotland are in limbo.
Until then we'll have to proclaim our patriotic identity via... photos?