We have a winner for the most hilariously stupid entrant to the Drake 'In My Feelings' challenge
Some people are comparing it to Brexit

It’s nearly a month since Drake’s fifth studio album Scorpion came out, boasting a frankly ludicrous 25 tracks, including one (’Don’t Matter To Me’) with a Michael Jackson sample which is extremely good indeed.
But, of course, with Drake, just as important as the music is the memes, and one of them is a new dance craze, started by Shiggy, an internet-famous-person who founded The Shiggy Show, which features him doing dance videos, impressions and general ranting.
In the wake of Scorpion dropping, he uploaded a video of himself dancing to the track ‘In My Feelings’, which immediately led to people copying it and posting their videos with the hashtag #InMyFeelingschallenge, #Kekechallenge (the chorus to the track has the lyrics “Keke, do you love me? Are you riding?”) and #DoTheShiggy.
And you know a meme has got traction when the police start getting involved:
Drake himself even got involved, doing the dance challenge at his surprise Wireless festival in Finsbury Park a couple of weeks ago.
As is the way with the internet though, pretty soon people were looking for ways to up the ante, and some decided to take the ‘Are you riding?’ part of the lyrics way too literally, getting out of their cars and walking/dancing alongside them to perform the dance.
But - and you know what’s coming here, and that’s the bit you came for - not everyone was very successful:
But now, we have possibly the greatest version of the meme - one that will never be topped.
Naturally, it’s come to our attention via that arbiter of modern trends, Jeremy Vine, who posted this truly incredible piece of work, which people are already comparing to Brexit.
Prepare yourselves, because this is gold.
It’s always gratifying to know that there is at least one person out there who is definitely stupider than you.
(Image: Getty)