Donald Trump doesn’t understand time zones (and thinks there’s a country called 'Nipple')
Just... what?!

It’s fair to say that we’re all pretty much numb to the exploits of the Trump White House at this point. The world’s been so pulverized with mind-bogglingly bad news that very little actually registers as a scandal any more.
And yet these latest snippets will be sure to at least evoke a small, depressed sigh as you existentially ponder what the world did to deserve such a morbid orange-faced fate because boy, oh, boy…
According to a new report in Politico, Donald Trump, consistently doesn’t really understand the concept of time zones as he struggles to carry out America’s foreign policy and diplomacy.
Throughout his presidency there have apparently been numerous occasions during the first year of Trump’s presidency when he wanted to call Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in the middle of the afternoon for a chat but, obviously, that would mean it was the middle of the night in Tokyo. This had to be explained to the president “on a constant basis,” a source told Politico.
“He wasn’t great with recognizing that the leader of a country might be 80 or 85 years old and isn’t going to be awake or in the right place at 10:30 or 11 p.m. their time,” said a former Trump National Security Council official.
“When he wants to call someone, he wants to call someone. He’s more impulsive that way. He doesn’t think about what time it is or who it is,” added a person close to Trump.

Nepal ≠ Nipple
And it isn’t only Trump’s loose understanding of time zones that ought to concern you.
In a briefing session ahead of a 2017 meeting with India’s prime minister, Trump was reportedly shown a map of South Asia where he processed to pronounce Nepal as “Nipple” and Bhutan as “Button”.
We’ve got two years, five months and seven days until Trump leaves office (assuming he isn’t kicked out or *throws up a little in our mouths* wins a second term) so prepare for plenty more stories like this until then.
(Images: Getty)
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