Bruce Willis has finally settled the Die Hard 'Christmas movie' debate
Straight from the horse's mouth

Are you bored of the debate surrounding whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie? Yes, you are, because it absolutely does not matter in any conceivable way. Die Hard is great, and whether or not it’s a Christmas movie has absolutely no bearing on this fact.
Course, that’s not gonna stop the internet having a right old tiresome mare of it all, is it? People like to bang on about things, don’t they? The internet encourages this (are we encouraging it right now? Yes) and so polls and interviews and think-pieces have existed for as long as the mind can remember. Like, look, even YouGov is doing it:
RELATED: 20 things you (probably) didn’t know about Die Hard
Annoying that they neglected to make “Don’t care” an option, but still. Even we, fine pop culture commentators at ShortList have covered the Die Hard debate.
People involved with the movie have been asked before, too (bet they love that), like screenwriter Steven E. de Souza (also director of famed classic Street Fighter):
Really though, if you are the type of person to care about this, it’s time to get your priorities straight. It is also time to listen to Bruce Willis, for he has finally put paid to the argument.
He confirmed that Die Hard (if you haven’t seen this film btw here it is in 60 seconds) is not, in fact, a Christmas movie. During Comedy Central’s The Roast Of Bruce Willis he said the following:
“Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. It’s a god damn Bruce Willis movie.”
So there you go, that’s it. You can stop it now. Seriously, stop it. It’s done. Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. Your life may now continue - like, enjoy it, do things you like, get out of the house, there is no longer any need to get yourself all stressed and your nappy in a swirl - you now know the answer, and everything can be put to bed. You are free.
(Image: 20th Century Fox)
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