We miss Arrested Development. Humming along to that O.P.P. song got us through many double physics lessons back in the day. See, we are hip hop.
Oh, that was Naughty By Nature? Well, we’re not actually talking about Arrested Development the group anyway, numbnuts. It is the genius of the TV series by the same name that we applaud.
Despite finishing five long years ago – and though it ran for only three series – we still fondly remember the maniacal tales of the dysfunctional Bluth clan. We eagerly await the much talked about big screen adaptation. Someone – anyone! – make this happen.
Due to this fervour we were particularly pleased when we saw that someone – Matt de Lanoy if you want specifics, although his Flickr handle is Pepa Quin – had transformed some of the show’s memorable characters, plus the iconic Bluth residence, into Lego figures.
Take a bow son, take a bow. To be said in your best Andy Gray voice, natch.
For more of de Lanoy's work, head here.
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