Ten internet points go to the first person who can tell us what the acronym of SIM stands for?
No? Thought not.
It's "subscriber identification module" - and Apple and Samsung are reportedly working to get rid of them for good.
The Financial Times has word that the tech rivals are uniting with the GSMA - the group that represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide - to create a new E-SIM.
This "embedded subscriber identification module" will be able to switch carriers instantly, and won't require an unlocking process, or the need to be manually removed and swapped to a SIM provided by a separate carrier.
All new Apple and Samsung handsets would ship with an E-SIM built in as standard, a move which could see more carriers adopt the system to ensure their customers are able to access the manufacturers' sought-after handsets. International carriers said to be backing the system already include AT&T, Deutsche Telekom, Etisalat, Hutchison Whampoa, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone.
So, no more having to cut your SIM into smaller and smaller sizes with every new handset, and no more tedious number-swapping every time you want to pick up a new contract.
Now, if only they'd do something about mobile phone batteries...
[Via: FT]
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