If you like inventive artwork, alternative rock, and – this is the real deal clincher - you happen to be in the Massachusetts area at some point in the next month, may we suggest you popping your enquiring face into the Narrows Gallery in Fall River.
Hanging on the walls (we presume) will be a series of music-inspired posters from five artists/collectives. Curated by Ghost-Town Studio, Damn The Torpedoes will feature work for the likes of Beck, The Black Keys, The Melvins and Wilco. A lot, a lot of Wilco. So best bring your best alt-country threads.
Anyway, the whole jamboree runs until 13 October. Don’t say you haven’t been warned. And just in case you aren’t anywhere near the East Coast of America anytime soon, have a gander at some of the artwork below.
Aren’t we nice?
Wilco by Nate Duval
The Melvins by Robert Lee/Methane Studios
Beck by Boss Constuction
Wilco by Peter Cardoso/Ghost-Town Studio
The Black Keys by Terrence 'Lil Tuffy' Ryan
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