A British CSI has spotted some very convincing Making A Murderer evidence
He's got some questions about the Avery case...

A Sussex forensics officer could turn out to be exactly who Making A Murderer's Steven Avery needed defending him. Chris Gee, a crime scene investigation officer, has cast an eye over the bloodstains that were found in Teresa Halbach's car and come up with some questions he doesn't feel the case answered.
This is only the first of a four-part investigation Chris is doing, and from the sounds of it, he's a lot more competent than the Manitowoc Sheriff's Department, who were completely rubbish. It seems like it doesn't even take forensic training to know the difference between a drop of blood and a smear of it.
What Chris explains, essentially, is that a smear of Avery's blood next to the ignition in Halbach's car doesn't mean Avery was there, just that someone with his blood on them was. Obviously that still doesn't tell us what happened, but it raises enough new question marks around the prosecution's version of events that, well, we'll be watching parts two to four.
Just think, if Chris ends up coming up with evidence that Steven Avery's new legal team end up using, and he's found to be innocent, and walks free, that could be the first time Netflix has ever made anyone spend more time outdoors.