Top shagger Ed Sheeran has made his worst comments about sex yet
If you have ginger hair and live in Brussels, watch your back

Ed Sheeran has a plan to increase the falling numbers of ginger people across the world: “one big gangbang" in Brussels.
The priapic minstrel has a long and unpleasant history of reassuring interviewers that he has in fact had sex (and lots of it), but yesterday’s chat with the Belgian channel Studio Brussel might be his worst moment yet.
To be fair to him, the host, also ginger, gave him her number and asked him to help “save the ginger race”, but his solution – “We should get all the ginger people in Brussels together and we should all have one big gangbang” – is a window too far into the darkness of his soul. Watch the interview below, especially if you want to see Sheeran awkwardly swerve a hefty on-screen come-on.
This is far from the Ed’s only foray into sordid sexual revelations. Last month, he was at pains to reassure Rolling Stone that he had definitely had his way with numerous unnamed members of Taylor Swift’s squad when he first went on tour with her in 2013.
"Taylor's world is celebrity," he said. "I was this 22-year-old awkward British kid going on tour with the biggest artist in America, who has all these famous mates. It was very easy. I would often find myself in situations just kind of waking up and looking over and being like, 'How the fuck did that happen?'"
2015 was meanwhile Sheeran’s breakout year for deviant sexual boasts. Within minutes of the start of an interview in May, he had told some NYC radio hosts that while he loved performing cunnilingus, with laser-like specificity, he doesn’t “do the sucking the farts out”. During the same interview, he unconvincingly denied that Swift was his type, and claimed he once politely turned down Katy Perry at the Grammys.
He has also scored an unknown cameo in the forthcoming seventh season of Game of Thrones, in which he has said he won’t die, telling the Daily Star: “I’d probably prefer to have sex than die in the show."
Ed, we get it, you’ve had sex.