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This man's Twitter rants about pizza are more intense than Making a Murderer
This man's Twitter rants about pizza are more intense than Making a Murderer
14 January 2016
Joewen Wilson is an angry man.
What sort of injustice has befallen him? Has he too been caught up in a miscarriage of justice on a par with the likes of Steven Avery? Is he in need of a Netflix documentary, shining a light on his unfortunate fate?
Not quite. We'll let him tell his story in his own, rage-filled Tweets.
"Not a chance - he's making it up," you may well think. You wouldn't be alone in your scepticism, such is the age of 'internet fibs for favourites' that we live in.
Undeterred by the collective doubt, Wilson went on to clarify things further still.
(Image: Shutterstock)
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