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The new iPhone autocorrect for 'Lardass' is both brilliant and cruel
The new iPhone autocorrect for 'Lardass' is both brilliant and cruel
16 December 2015
Got an iPhone? Updated to the latest version of the iOS, 9.2?
Then pull up a new text message and start typing in the beautifully British vulgarity, 'Lardass'.
So far, so lardy.
No major surprises so far, you've got 'LARD'.
And here come the belly-laughs. Guttural heaves of humour, inspired by Apple's unfortunate autocorrect of 'Lardas' to 'Kardashian'.
It's not a snide snipe - the letter 'K' is mere millimetres from 'L', and lard knows how many times a day millennials are typing 'Kardashian' into their phones.
It's the most beautiful Freudian slip since Sigmund hit a patch of black ice.
[Via: Metro]
(Image: Rex)
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