Presenting the most memorable utterances from our 2014 interviews - click on the links to read the full article

“I saw a mugshot of him on the front of a tabloid recently and my first thought was, ‘She’s quite hot’”

“I stood in a corner and screamed. Then I was walking around Prague singing the Doctor Who theme tune to myself.”
Peter Capaldi reveals his initial reaction to being cast as the Doctor while in Prague

“I hate hipsters, I hate liberals, I hate rock’n’ rollers, I hate the counter-culture, I hate movie people”
James Ellroy: not a fence-sitter

“I was once playing blackjack with this guy from Google, and every time I lost he bought me back in. I said thanks, and he went, ‘No problem, I get laid to your music all the time.’”
Ed Sheeran on the benefits of being a 21st-century Barry White

“I wash it every day. Nothing special, just regular shampoo and conditioner. But I’m 66 and I’ve got my own f*cking hair! That’s got to say something about me.”
Ozzy Osbourne breaks down his grooming regime

“I think they’re hideous”
David Bailey offers his opinion on ShortList staff writer Louise Donovan’s trainers

“I met the Queen once. She was a bit like Tom Hardy, actually”
Nick Cave draws a surprising comparison

“Rubbish. Absolute rubbish. I went with a couple of lads from the Irish team, but if I’d been on my own, honestly, I would’ve walked out”
Roy Keane offers his review of David Fincher’s Gone Girl

Morgan Freeman reveals the surprising secret to staying young

“Everyone says how good films are, and I’m desperate to enjoy them too, but I just don’t get them. I get so bored”
Michael Owen explains why he’s unlikely to be considered for the Cannes jury

“I’m Batman. I’m very secure in that fact.”
Michael Keaton sees no threat in Messrs Bale and Affleck

“I don’t regret any of my movies. Well, maybe the bad ones.”
Steven Seagal reassesses his back catalogue

“I once flew over and met my wife in Peru. We went for an incredible walk and met a local family who invited us in, and that was the first time I had quinoa.”
Phillip Schofield wins Middle Class War. Forever

“I was not even close to being fully fit when I played against England, but I was still able to answer the critics”
Luis Suarez continues to gleefully wind up England fans
(Images: Rex/PA/AllStar/Corbis)
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