Drones, self-driving cars, that automated till machine - we're starting to get a little concerned about the number of robots wondering around. If only we had some way of protecting ourselves and our families against an AI uprising...
Fans of Ridley Scott's 1982 sci-fi classic Blade Runner will have edged a few inches closer to their screen upon seeing the above photo. This is a near millimetre-prefect replica of Rick Decard's iconic pistol - sleek stainless steel barrel, dual triggers, yellowed perspex grip and fully functioning laser site. No, it doesn't fire bullets. That would be dangerous.
Made in Japan by Tomenosuke, the Blaster is set to be snapped up by only the most hardened of Blade Runner fans: limited to a run of just 200 models, a PRO version (fully assembled) will set collectors back £530 (80,000 Yen), while a build-it-yourself model will cost the better part of £275 (47,500 Yen).
With the majority of models sold out in Japan, and a few left up for grabs at Hollywood Collectibles and Cinemaquette, it looks like most of us will have to make do with making a gun shape with our fingers and muttering "Enhance" at anything that beeps.
(Images: Rex; Tomenosuke)
[Via: Kotaku]
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