We're not sure why DuckTales has regained vogue status of late.
We're not complaining - we're just not sure what internet forces are conspiring to fuel us with ample "Woo-hoo" nostalgia. Perhaps it's a shrewd marketing move by Disney to fuel anticipation for their forthcoming TV remake, scheduled for 2017. Maybe it's the year of the duck.
Following this superb video of Beyoncé dancing to the legendary DuckTales themed tune, another sublime mashup has arrived bill-to-tail. Contract artist Chad Townsend has something of a knack for mastering character design, with his latest What if?! series of sketches showing off his ample talents, asking "What if DuckTales existed in the same world as Marvel's Avengers?"
Good question, Chad. One we're glad you asked, and even more grateful you illustrated.
Head over to Townsend's website here to see the rest of his amazing work, and pick up prints here.

(Images: Chad Townsend)
[Via: Geek Art]