Ricky Gervais Has Managed To Sell Art Better Than Van Gogh
Ricky Gervais Has Managed To Sell Art Better Than Van Gogh

We all know about Ricky Gervais’ talent for making people laugh but until now we didn’t know that he had a talent for painting.
Yes, we had seen the pictures of Karl Pilkington’s perfectly round head and the odd impressionistic doodle of his friend Robin Ince as some abomination of nature but we had no idea about his skills with a brush.
On Sunday Scottish auctioneers McTears sold Gervais’ painting ‘Sunset Cityscape’ for a very tidy £1,900 to an anonymous bidder.
To put this in context, the only painting sold by Vincent Van Gogh in his lifetime went for a measly 400 Francs in 1890, which is only around £690 today.
Unlike Van Gogh, Gervais has been enormously successful and so probably won’t be cutting off an ear or any other appendage.

The auction house said: "Ricky Gervais is a hugely talented guy and the painting shows that when it comes to the creative arts, he can turn his hand to just about anything.”
We expect a life drawing of Stephen Merchant reclining with an apple in his mouth any day now.