It’s been a heavy few days for Donald Trump.
And yet despite the international outrage that followed leaked audio of the billionaire blowhard making lecherous comments to a slimy TV presenter back in 2005, which many thought would see his Presidential race run, here he remains, still within a shot of making it all the way to the White House.
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With this in mind we put together a list of quotes from the pro and anti-Trump camps, so once and for all we know who stands on the side of good and evil.
And poor form, Donald, you pissed off Danny Dyer.
Ewan McGregor: anti-trump

“It makes my blood run cold a little bit. I think it’s very scary. I’m trying to think what’s gone wrong in order to drive people to the extremeness of feeling that he’s the right man for the job. I mean clearly he’s proven that he’s not over and over and over again. The terrible things that he’s said and what he stands for - I can’t understand what’s gone so terribly wrong and obviously something has to make people feel like he’s the right guy for the job. But let’s hope that that’s not the case - I really think it would be a terrible thing for all of us - not just for America.”
Danny Dyer: anti-Trump

“Is it me or is this geezer completely off his strange looking nut.”
Robert de Niro: anti-Trump

“He [Trump] is a punk, he’s a dog, he’s a pig, he’s a con, a bullshit artist, a mutt who doesn’t know what he’s talking about ... He talks how he wants to punch people in the face, well, I’d like to punch him in the face.”
Theresa May: anti-Trump

“I think his [Trump] remarks are divisive, stupid and wrong and I think if he came to visit our country I think he’d unite us all against him.”
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Dennis Rodman: pro-Trump

"@realDonaldTrump has been a great friend for many years. We don't need another politician, we need a businessman like Mr. Trump! Trump 2016."
Jeremy Corbyn: anti-Trump

“Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the US is an attack on democratic values & affront to common humanity. Let’s unite against racism.”
Nigel Farage: pro-Trump

“[Donald Trump] voters are a bit like Brexit voters; they have enthusiasm and passion. Trump has momentum and I think he will win."
Byran Cranston: anti-Trump

“I think the presence of Donald Trump is actually, in the long run, a good thing because it could be a wake-up call to what could have been a disaster. I am fascinated by Trump because he is a classic tragic Shakespearean character. What’s so amazing about [Trump] is that he’s unabashedly a demagogue. He talks about issues and problems and if you listen to that you would think that every thing is horrible. He also doesn’t present any solutions. I’m just going to 'make it great', 'it’ll be great again I can guarantee it' … 'great, great, great' and you go ‘he is saying nothing’.”
Jon Voight: pro-Trump

“[Donald Trump] has worked harder than any other man I know in the past year and a half to get a good message to the American people. I don’t know of too many men who haven’t expressed some sort of similar sexual terms toward women.”
Piers Morgan: typically non-comittal

“Trump ISN’T a racist but needs a more tolerant tune.”
Carrie Fisher: anti-Trump

[On whether Trump does cocaine] "I'm an expert & ABSOLUTELY"
Ricky Gervais: anti-Trump

"I'll admit it, I like Donald Trump's speeches. I've made my fortune out of playing delusional, middle-aged men who say stupid things, and people love them. But he's beaten me. Trump is better than David Brent.
It's funny, comedians tell a joke and they get in trouble; Donald Trump says a terrible thing and means it, and he gets elected. I get it, though, Trump hit a vein. He hit the peak of political correctness, and he's an antidote to all that. People are tired of being told they can't say things, so he's suddenly this poster boy for saying what's on your mind, however terrible it is."
Gary Lineker: anti-Trump

“Rather than be elected, Trump should be arrested.”
Brian Blessed: anti-Trump

“He [Trump] is a total, complete utter moron.”
Stephen Fry: anti-Trump

“Donald Trump should be stripped naked and whipped with scorpions all along the boardwalk.”
Mark Zuckerberg: anti-Trump

“I hear fearful voices calling for building walls and distancing people they label as others.”
Samuel L Jackson: anti-Trump

“Maybe if we stop talking about him [Trump], people will stop dealing with him, how about that?”
Chuck Norris: pro-Trump

“He [Trump] has the moral clarity and experience to lead our great country forward.”
Richard Dawkins: anti-Trump

“Trump blustered incoherently like the ignorant, fact-disdaining, vainglorious bully he is.”
Tim Allen: pro-Trump

“He [Trump] is a Republican a Democrat could vote for.”
Hulk Hogan: pro-Trump

“I want to be Trump’s running mate.”
Vladimir Putin: pro-Trump

“He [Trump] is a very colourful and talented man, no doubt about that.”
John Lydon: anti-Trump

“But I think everyone in the world should be able to vote in an election like this. Because all our lives depend on feckless idiocy or a deceitful bureaucrat. Be afraid, be very, very afraid.”
Francoise Hollande: anti-Trump

“[Trump gives those watching a] retching feeling.”
Sarah Palin: pro-Trump

“Can I get a hallelujah? He [Trump] knows how to lead the charge. So troops hang in there, he’s on the way.”
Mike Tyson: pro-Trump

“That shit is the real deal. Listen: I’m a black motherfucker from the poorest town in the country. I’ve been through a lot in life. And I know him [Trump]. When I see him he shakes my hand and respects my family. None of them – Barack, whoever – nobody else does that. They’re gonna be who they are and disregard me, my family. So I’m voting for him.”
Lou Ferrigno: pro-Trump

“I wish Donald the best. He’s a fabulous guy. I hope he goes all the way.”
James Woods: pro-Trump

“Trump chatted once with my Mom at an event. A true gentleman. He never once neglected to ask about her by name for years thereafter.”
Stephen King: anti-Trump

“Electing Donald Trump to fix America would be like fixing eczema with a blowtorch.”
Bill Gates: anti-Trump

“Donald hasn’t been known for his philanthropy. He’s been known for other things.”
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