This baffling tune about putting pineapples in pens is a legitimate banger
You need these fifty seconds of pure joy in your life

It may be the back end of September, but DJ Piko-Taro's 'Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen' is such a tune that it must be retrospectively considered the sound of this summer. Cancel all releases next year, because it will be the sound of next summer too. And the year after that. Frankly, there is no need to make anymore sounds, because DJ Piko-Taro has made the definitive sound of every summer, autumn, winter and spring. Just listen to it.
'Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen' is a song about putting invisible pens in invisible fruit and is less than a minute in length. The video features a middle aged man with a pencil tache, wearing an outfit that must have sourced straight from the props room of an Eighties' B-Movie about campy Miami drug dealers, and doing a dance that should only really be done in educational videos that teach children how to spell. But it works. You'll watch it once. You'll watch it again. You'll find yourself involuntarily saying "P-P-A-P" throughout your day, throughout your week. You'll get it tattooed on your chest and have it read out at your funeral. Damn, it's catchy.
DJ Piko-Taro has filled the chasmic void left in the wake of eternal nonsense-yet-undeniably-catchy bangers Ylvis' The Fox and Psy's Gangnam Style, he has fed us when we were starving for infectiously stupid hits. Thank you for saving us, DJ Piko-Taro. Thank you.
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