Nicola Sturgeon has revealed that Scotland is in a strong position to block Brexit. Throw away your petition and burn your mate's placard, in Scotland you trust.
Speaking to the BBC's Andrew Marr, Sturgeon said that Article 50 won't be triggered until a “UK-wide approach” had been agreed. Translation: Scotland's here to drink milk and kick ass, and they've just finished their milk.

After meeting with new prime minister Theresa May, Sturgeon revealed there's potential that Scotland has a veto on the UK leaving the EU.
“It puts me in a strong position, of course it puts a responsibility on my shoulders to think through what the options are," she said.
“Scotland did not vote for any of those consequences. We voted by a significant margin to avoid those consequences and stay in. That gives me a mandate to try to protect our relationship with the EU. If that is not possible within the UK well then I have been very clear that the option of a second independence referendum has to be on the table.”
Of course this means it could still all go the other way, with Scotland dumping England and starting a wild love affair with the EU.

“Scotland is not a region of the UK, Scotland is a nation and if we cannot protect our interests within a UK that is going to be changing fundamentally, then that right of Scotland to consider the options of independence has to be there.”
Either way, big changes ahead. And it's not like 2016 hasn't had enough of those already, eh?
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