There was already no doubt that Muse were one of the greatest live bands on the planet, but just to be sure that everyone was clear about it, they filmed a show at Rome's Olympic Stadium using the very latest 4k camera technology, as befits a band who have always been forward-thinking when it comes to production.
After receiving a cinematic release, it's now coming out on CD/DVD and Blu-ray, so we thought it would be a good time to catch up with bassist Chris Wolstenholme for a quick chat about the show, playing live, massive props and their future plans...
So, the DVD obviously featured some seriously high tech – how involved did you guys get in things? Or do you leave the experts to get on with and just say ‘make it look amazing’?
Matt and Dom got fairly involved with the editing side of things, but as far as the technology goes I think that is best left to the experts.
Were you tempted to do a bit of post-production touch up – make those abs a bit bigger?
My abs are fine thanks!
Why did you decide to film the DVD in Rome? Did you consider a show at the Coliseum?
Partly because we wanted to film somewhere we hadn't done before but mainly because the Italian crowd are pretty crazy.
Pink Floyd famously recorded a show to no audience in Pompeii – could you do that, or is the crowd essential for your gigs?
We have talked about it, but for me I would find it difficult without the energy of the crowd.
You’ve had some crazy live props over the years – the giant UFO springs to mind – what’s the craziest idea you’ve had which you haven’t managed to make a reality?
We wanted a helicopter to fly over Wembley Stadium and drop thousands of balloons over the audience. Health and safety unfortunately wouldn't allow it.
With Virgin Galactic and the rest edging nearer to commercial space travel – how far away do you think your first gig in space is?
Hopefully not too far away. It would be a fantastic thing to be the first band to play music in space.
And finally, anything you can tell us about future plans for the band? What do you have planned for the next year? What are you all doing for Christmas?
The main thing for us next year will be having a bit of time off and then focusing on a new album. For Christmas I think I'll be going to Devon to spend it with my family.
Live From Rome Olympic Stadium is released on CD/DVD and Blu-ray on 2nd December
(Images: Rex)
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