There are several unimportant questions that arise from watching the new single player campaign trailer for Call of Duty: Ghosts. Questions like "Do guns work in space?" and "Why can we hear the sounds of battle in space?" Or, "How does one train a dog to leap into a helicopter?"
More important questions also abound: "Do I still have any holiday days so I can book off 5 November?" and "Will anyone notice if I don't turn up to work for a week?"
Taking the series further into the future than ever before, things turn nasty for the US of A when one of their own military satellites is turned against them. The enemies come from "south of the equator", which makes a pleasant change. Only the mysterious 'Ghosts' can take on the new tech-tooled superpowers. And by the look of the trailer, everything has a habit of exploding and no one seems to know how to fly any more.
Just watch it and prepare for a chronic case of itchy trigger fingers.
Call of Duty: Ghosts arrives 5 November
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