The age of discovery is almost extinct: there are no more giant mammals to discover, no mysterious beasts roaming the darkest jungles of Africa, and while there may be something lurking in the deepest crannies of our oceans, chances are we'll kill it with pollution before we discover it. No, the only monsters we're ever going to encounter are in the cinema.
Which is no bad thing. The building-sized beasts of summer blockbusters are just as impressive as anything our forefathers will have stalked through the bush - but more importantly, they won't try and have you for lunch.
The Strange Beasts 2 exhibition at Guzu Gallery, Austin, Texas, is paying tribute to the king of all cinema monsters before he returns to our screens to terrify us afresh. These Godzilla kaiju artworks are bold, brilliant and a worthy addition to any hall.
You can pick up a print here, and be sure to check out the full exhibition on the Guzu Gallery website.
Acid Reign – Brian Maclaskey
Angel Grove – Isaak Ramos
Austin is Burning – Jason Chalker
Battle of the Insurance Giants – David Lamplugh
Boss Battle – Chet Phillips
Dragon Boy vs Junior – Martin Hsu
Enemy in Sight – Nathan Walker
Luchazilla vs Space Luchazilla – Yehudi Mercado
The Monster Inside – Matt Frank
Tokyo Titans – Half-Human
(Images: Guzu Gallery)
(Via: Geek Art)
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