Difference in religion, sporting belief, who can sleep with whose wife, all these debates often ends in tears, but rarely does literary discussion end in a dust up.
Take a bow two citizens of Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, where a set-to over books ended in one man being sent to the hospital with a head injury after the other punched him.
Ann Arbor police Lt. Renee Bush said the man went to a party at a home at about 2pm (which must be normal party time over there) on Saturday. Bush said the man was sitting on the porch with some people he had just met, talking about books and sh*t (we're paraphrasing).
The 34-year-old man was then approached by another party guest, who started speaking to him in a condescending manner. Both had been on the hooch.
An argument ensued and the man was suddenly struck in the side of the head, suffering a cut to his left ear. The man’s glasses went flying and he fell to the ground, with one of the lenses popping out of the frames. Oh stop sniggering!
One witness claims the debate was over JRR Tolkien vs. CS Lewis. A debate which we're going to sort out once and for all, right here, to end this madness. Who was better?
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