Landlord in court for turning three apartments into 44 rooms
Landlord in court for turning three apartments into 44 rooms

If you choose to live in a big city then you're agreeing to high rent and minimal floorspace but you're still aiming for a relatively humane quality of life.
If you're planning to rent in LA you might want to avoid dealing with John Callaghan then. The greedy landlord is facing charges for turning a triplex into 44 rented rooms.
According to the tenants, the single rooms suffered from faulty wiring, lacked smoke detectors and all shared illegally installed kitchens and bathrooms. Some of the rooms didn't even have heating.
Callaghan apparently charged tenants up to $500 (£319) a month and demanded they clean the common areas in the building, fining them if they failed to do so.
He's now facing $53,000 (£33,919) in fines and up to six months in jail, where he'll hopefully be in a very small cell.
[via LA Times]
(Image: Rex Features)
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