Josh Widdicombe has fast become one of the nation's best-loved new comics, particularly with his appearances on The Last Leg, the show which began alongside the 2012 Paralympics coverage, but was such a hit that it continued into this year. He's also branched into radio DJing - and we're sure his bosses at XFM will be interested in his choice of musical guilty pleasure; read on to discover what that is, together with his other secret loves in film, TV, magazines, food and apps.
Josh Widdicombe Live: And Another Thing is released November 18th on DVD. Click here to preorder
"The Parent Trip with Lindsay Lohan as two identical twins. I like those, you know when there's a film when someone's playing two characters, and I'm trying to work out how they've edited it together? That carries the whole film for me. It's the perfect film when you're hungover. It's utterly absurd and rubbish as well - I'm not claiming it's got any artistic merit - but there's something about it that's speaks to me, on a very deep level. I wouldn't say I'm a Lohan fan - I'm at best an apologist."
"I think one of the great underrated pop songs of the 90s is Right Said Fred's Deeply Dippy. It's an absolutely classic tune. I'm not really a fan, but that song is unbelievable. It's one of the greatest pop songs that wasn't written by Lennon and McCartney."
"Is Don't Tell The Bride a guilty pleasure? It is, isn't it? I OD'd on it - I had it on series link and I watched loads, and I've watched too many now. At one point it was all I watched. People would be going "are you watching Breaking Bad?' and I'm saying no, I'm watching Don't Tell The Bride". The best episode is when the guy books the wedding in Las Vegas and she almost refuses to go. It's the ultimate classic; the definitive text when it comes to Don't Tell The Bride."
"I'm really into the app My Fitness Pal, which is a calorie-counting app, that you become really obsessed with, and all you talk about is how many calories are in everything. I'm not even really dieting, but I downloaded it to watch what I eat and now I'm obsessed with it. 'Cos it's got graphs and targets and goals so it becomes very exciting - it makes eating a competition. The flapjack is unbelievable - normally you'd think "I should get a flapjack rather than a chocolate bar", but it's just as bad."
"I would never buy it, but I'm always really pleased when there's a copy of a red-top tabloid left on the tube - cos you feel 'I can read this now without guilt'. The Mirror is the one that's trying to at least grasp for the middle ground...and The Star...if you're going for it, you might as well go for it purely and go for the Daily Star."
"I haven't been in a long time as the guilt is too much, but there is a real excitement...there's a real buzz in the air at the Pizza Hut buffet isn't there? It's a real festival atmosphere I find. Tips on what to go for? Don't fill up on garlic bread sticks, that's all I'm gonna say to you."

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