Here's why Melania Trump won't be moving to the White House
Here's why Melania Trump won't be moving to the White House

“It’s lonely at the top” – an age-old saying that could be about to get a whole lot more real for President-Elect Donald Trump.
Just a few days after letting on just how bummed out he is to have to live in the White House, Trump’s wife and soon-to-be First Lady, Melania, and his 10-year-old son/serial podium yawner Barron have reportedly decided to stay put in New York’s Trump Tower – a good 232 miles from their beloved Orange Man.
"Melania is extremely close to Barron, and they have become closer during the campaign," a source close to Trump's transition team told the New York Post. "The campaign has been difficult for Barron, and she is really hoping to keep disruption to a minimum."
And if Trump’s election win wasn’t enough of a kick in the teeth for people of New York City – a massive 79% of whom voted against the former reality TV star – Melania’s decision to give a Long Distance Relationship a shot is going to change the heart of their home city in a big way. A big way.
“[Trump Tower] is going to become the White House of New York,” Jim Reese, a former Delta Force commander and president of a global security company told the New York Post. “The Secret Service is going to have to keep that whole area cordoned off so that some wacko can’t get close and detonate a car bomb.”
The fresh security measures look set to add to the heavy checks already in place around the Tower, with shoppers looking to buy their Make America Great Again hats, Trump Steaks and other items from shops in the area having to navigate through security cordon and offer up their bags for random searches and spot checks.
Christmas shopping trip to New York City, anyone? Anyone? No?
Image: ddp USA/REX/Shutterstock
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