Be honest - how often do you share the 'Live Photos' you've taken with your fancy iPhone 6S?
Nope? Thought not.
While impossibly cool, the snapshot feature hasn't really had the impact Apple hoped it would. However, their possible saviour comes from a very unlikely source: Arch Android rivals, Google.
Their latest iOS app, Motion Stills, that "brings your Live Photos back to life" (burn) with advanced stabilization and rendering.
By pumping your Live Photos through the magic of the Motion Stills app, you'll be able to convert your short moving films into silky smooth Gifs that you can then share far more widely (as Live Photos are an Apple-only deal).
Another sweet feature is the ability to compile multiple Live Photos into a short Gif film, not unlike Twitter's video feature or Snapchat. Better still, the app doesn't require an internet connection to work, so you'll not be draining your precious data plan while you're editing.
You can download the pilot app (it might still have some bugs, okay?) here for free.
Well done Google. You just made iPhones a little bit better than Android...
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