AirBnB is giving you the chance to sleepover in Dracula's castle
A must for vampire fans (or anyone lacking Halloween plans)

Already dreading the inevitable tedium of spending another October night dressed as a popular culture icon with fake blood smudged around your lips? Fear not, AirBnB has your back.
The holiday renting service has added Dracula's Castle in Transylvania to its listings, hosted by "vampire expert" Dacre Stoker - Bram Stoker's great grandnephew.
"Bran Castle is where the legend of Dracula was born," writes Dacre Stoker, "and I am thrilled to welcome and guide you through the dark passages of the castle for a private unveiling of its many mysteries."
A night's stay will see you explore the halls of the Bran Castle, a stately home nestled in the Carpathian mountains that was thought to serve as inspiration to Stoker's vision of Dracula's castle. While there's no evidence Bram Stoker had any knowledge of Bran Castle, it's many turrets and spectacular location in the Transylvanian mountains has led many to associate it with Stoker's iconic vampire tale - it's the next best thing to a castle actually inhabited by a blood sucking spectre.
AirBnB is offering a tour of its 57 rooms as Dacre regales you with Transylvania lore, attend a intimate candlelit dinner (accessed via a secret passage, obviously), before turning in for the night to sleep in velvet-lined coffin-shaped beds. Seriously.

The best part? The stay is totally free. Not one nip to the wallet. There's just one catch: the iconic venue is only open for one night of the year - the Halloween night of 31 October to 1 November - to one individual and their guest. In order to secure the booking, you must supply AirBnB with the following entry: "What would you say to the Count if you were to come face-to-fang with him in his own castle?"
Entrants have between 50 - 500 words to prove they have the necessary vampiric wit to secure their night in Bran Castle with Stoker's own flesh and blood. AirBnB will even fly the winner from any location in the world to stay in the atmospheric digs.

Entrants have until 11:59pm CET on 26 October to send in their answers to AirBnB's question in order to win the night's stay. You can sling yours over here.
Also, be sure to note the house rules:
- No garlic or garlic-scented items allowed
- You are kindly requested to leave your silver jewellry at home
- Do not cross the cutlery. In fact, please refrain from placing anything in a cross formation
- Beware of the bats in the castle tower
- Please close all curtains before sunrise
- The count is not a fan of mirror selfies
Still, better than spending the night at home nervously eyeing a bunch of egg-wielding kids through the letter box, yeah?
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